Workshop Processes
CPSG’s workshops provide an objective environment, expert knowledge, and thoughtful group facilitation. They are designed to systematically address problems and develop focused solutions using sound science. The workshop process enables participants to produce meaningful and practical management recommendations that generate political and social support for conservation action.
A2P The Assess to Plan (A2P) process is designed to move multiple species rapidly to effective action, by identifying groups of species with characteristics that have overlapping conservation needs that can be planned for and acted on together.
Our Population and Habitat Viability Assessment workshops directly address the need for scientific analysis in endangered species conservation plans. Built upon the use of science-based population viability analysis (PVA) tools and a participatory, stakeholder-inclusive environment, PHVA workshops guide conservationists in setting reasonable and measurable targets for species recovery.
The Integrated Collection Assessment and Planning (ICAP) workshop brings in situ and ex situ communities together to apply the decision process of the IUCN ex-situ guidelines to the task of regional or global collection planning. The ICAP process is designed to be flexible and applicable to large or small groups of taxa, with the resulting analyses and recommendations being more general or detailed as appropriate.
ORGANIZATIONAL Strategic plans
CPSG’s process design tools combined with our knowledge-based facilitation skills can be applied to a wide variety of conservation planning needs. CPSG works with wildlife agencies, conservation organizations, zoological parks, and similar organizations to develop strategic conservation plans for individual species, protected areas, or conservation organizations.
CPSG develops and employs a wide variety of tools to assist conservation professionals in developing effective strategies for averting the extinction of endangered species. These tools range from sophisticated analytical simulation software for studying population dynamics to structured
workshop facilitation techniques aimed at helping people reach a shared understanding. We are committed to evaluating the contents of our “conservation toolkit” and improving them as new concepts and technologies emerge. Moreover, collaboration with other wildlife conservation organizations gives us exposure and access to a wealth of additional tools that broaden our capabilities and increase our effectiveness.
The Species Conservation Planning Tools Library is a resource to connect species conservation practitioners to well-tested planning tools suitable for use in a variety of planning situations. This tools library is intended for use by species conservation experts that seek a practical and accessible reference to the many tools and processes available for designing and implementing a detailed and effective conservation planning approach. Visit the Tools Library.
Vortex is a computer model that simulates the complex dynamics of wildlife population growth and how those dynamics may change through time in the presence of threatening human activities.
Outbreak simulates SEIR-style disease dynamics, using familiar basic conceptual algorithms of infectious disease transmission.
Spatial is an agent-based model of the movements of animals on landscapes.
A “metamodel” links multiple, discrete models that depict separate components of a complex system, governing the flow of information between models and the sequence of events in the simulation process.
PMx is a package of demographic and genetic analysis tools to assist with the management of breeding programs for wildlife species.
CPSG has partnered with the Chicago Zoological Society and Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute to establish the Species Conservation Toolkit Initiative (SCTI). SCTI is a partnership to ensure that the innovations and tools needed for species risk assessment, evaluating conservation actions, and managing populations are developed, globally available, and used effectively. Learn more about SCTI.
As a training organization, CPSG believes in the power of individuals to affect change and focus on developing competencies, wherever it is required, to ensure that more effective species conservation plans are developed and implemented. For further information on upcoming courses, please visit here.